Friday, July 29, 2016

my hysterosalpingogram

A hysterosalpingogram or HSG "is an x-ray procedure used to see whether the fallopian tubes are patent (open) and if the inside of the uterus (uterine cavity) is normal."

since my tubes are open and getting pregnant is not my problem, i had the procedure done to make sure that my uterus had no abnormalities. my doctor was thinking that maybe i had a septate uterus. that would explain my miscarriages.

my hsg was wednesday morning. i was pretty anxious as my research had shown that this can be very uncomfortable and cause camping. if you don't know, i have a severe fear of pain. pretty sure i can handle pain, it's just the thought that freaks me out. plus, before i had rooney, my doctor tried to break my water (several times) and that was pretty traumatizing.

i was in tears and holding the nurse's hand (she was the sweetest) as we started, anticipating what was going to happen. but, i handled it like a champ! & was pleasantly surprised at how little it really bothered me. i did take a midol about half an hour before going to the doctor so i definitely recommend that.

as i watched the dye go into my uterus and through my fallopian tubes, i could tell that my uterus is just right.

so perfect uterus & normal blood tests means we still don't know why. when i told my doctor i was hoping that the hsg would give us something to fix, he told me to hold of and hope that the next procedure is the one that we want to give us answers.

my next step is an endometrial biopsy and it will happen around august 16th. doctor said this can be just as unpleasant as the hsg, but way faster. lots of prayers that this gets us closer to bringing another baby into our family here on earth.

1 comment:

KickButtMommy said...

It's a hard feeling. You are glad that nothing is wrong but so want that answer.