Monday, June 27, 2016

remembering what you've got

this most recent loss has really thrown me. i have had to turn to prayer constantly.

& believe me when i say that he has answered those prayers & then some. i have received revelations that have helped to heal my heart. i would share them here, but they are sacred & unbelievably sweet.

but what i can share is the reminder i have been given.

to be grateful now. right now. to look at what i have & spend every second loving it. to give what i have, everything i have.

so this morning, i woke up before roo (!!!!) to work out & shower. after she woke up, i made  her breakfast, & while she ate, we studied our scriptures together - something i am trying to do more regularly again. what a pick me up! one that i have needed.

the other day, we went to the zoo. i watched ashton as he showed rooney all the animals, & let's just say, it was a good thing i had my sunglasses on. my heart was full. full because i married a man who will brave the crowd & the heat to spend time with us. full because rooney is my greatest blessing. full because i believe my family is the greatest thing in the world.

things aren't easy, but i truly have a lot to be grateful for. & i bet you do too.

1 comment:

KickButtMommy said...

Thank you for the reminder that I too have so much to be grateful for!