Saturday, October 23, 2010

in memory of...

A year ago today, I wrote this post:

I just read it again.  One paragraph begins by saying: "My story with Robi Sundell started my sophomore year at BYU."  Today, I must say that my story with Robi Sundell has not ended.  He has changed my life forever.  I spent the morning with some of his closest friends and his family.  I have been able to get to know his family this past year and they have been such an example of strength and love.  I enjoy every minute I get to be with them and the weekends they have opened their house up to us.  I have had a hard time missing Robi, my dear friend.  It hurts me to think of the pain they are going through losing their son and brother.  Robi's dad has been especially dear to me since last year.  I will never forget the first time I met him, sitting next to Robi's hospital bed, holding his hand.  He has gone out of his way to make sure that I, the very often lone girl with those boys, is not alone.  I love talking to him.  Thank you Kris.

This is Robi, coming to tell us that he had made my apartment breakfast one lucky Sunday morning.  Both that robe and the pink fuzzy slippers were at breakfast this morning.

I think of Robi daily.  Even still. This weekend last year was one of the hardest weekends of my life.  My heart still misses Robi and that is why I am sad.  BUT, I know Robi is doing amazing things.  I know that he misses his family as much as they miss him, but isn't it an amazing thing, to know that they will all be together again someday.  I am so thankful that Robi is still a part of my story.

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