Friday, October 1, 2010

close call with...


I was driving home from work yesterday and almost got hit by an ANTELOPE.

I am not even kidding.

It was about 5:30 and I was just driving through Eagle Mountain when I see an antelope galloping next to me.  I looked at him and he looked at me, but didn't slow down a bit.  I felt like we were staring at each other for at least 30 seconds (must have been only a few).  It was the stare down and all of the sudden I was in a race with an antelope and neither of us was going to lose.  He was coming closer and closer to my car and I knew that he was about to run across the street.

I slowed down, only because I wouldn't know what to do with a dented car and injured antelope!, just as it ran across the street, only feet in front of my car.  I texted Cami (my best friend teacher who go the job in the younger life skills class at my school!) and her aide said, "Those antelope are so dumb!"

Then I started thinking, "I see antelope when I go to the Wild Animal Park...Where do I work!?"

Oh Eagle Mountain.

1 comment:

Cami said...

Thanks for the shout out ;)

Also, I'm loving your background... very you.