Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What a day!

I have not had a day as good as today for a long time.

We started the day with a field trip to Salem Pond.  This is a field trip that I have come to love.  Most special ed units in Utah County go and it is just absolutely wonderful.  The kids all get to fish and then we have lunch.  It was supposed to rain today (and it did), but not while we were at Salem Pond!  That was a blessing.  Then I just kept hoping and praying that I would run into my cute kids from last year.  Guess what!?  I saw them and nearly cried.  That class changed my life, especially one particular stud that I love with all of my heart.  I ran up to my old class and started giving hugs, scared to look for my little stud because I didn't want to find out he wasn't there and be heartbroken...but then it was like the parting of the Red Sea as everyone moved to the side and that is when we saw each other.  He is something else and I treasure the blessing that I can still be involved in his life, even if it is only once a year, for a few minutes, on a field trip.  Then my class was behaving so well!  With so many classes in such a small place, it is easy to get distracted and lost.  Everyone stayed with their teacher.  Everyone was smiling.  And everyone was exhausted when we got back to school.

I left school a little early to make it to my cousin's wedding.  She looked stunning.  The reception hall was SO beautifully decorated by her mom.  They had a sweet little ring ceremony - Sami and Mike are just so happy and in love, everyone could see and feel it.  I am so proud of my baby cousin.  She has done amazing things with her life and now she will be doing them with Mike.  I love them so much.  Aren't they so sweet?

At one point, I went to go give Samantita a hug and look what happened!  My necklace got hooked onto her dress! haha We spent a good minute stuck together while onlookers just laughed.

Then the dancing started.  What a blast!  I love dancing with my sisters and we were definitely going wild on the dance floor.  Mom was getting really into it too.  I couldn't have asked for a more perfect night.

And to end the day, I filled up my tank and I just absolutely love the way my car feels after it's been filled.


Alison Rae said...

Wow! Congrats to your cousin! She is beautiful! I am glad you had such a wonderful day! Miss you mucho!!!!!!

Sami said...

haha i love you tati! thank you for this sweet post. I am so grateful your my cousin, you are such an example to me. love you!