Thursday, July 1, 2010

the power of the SUN!

I am home. I have been home for the last week and a half and I will be at home for at least another week and a half!!

Over the last few days I have spend most of my time in the sun. This wonderful, huge, and very hot star helps to make me a happy me. Just sitting in the sun for a few minutes makes me feel healthier. It heals the aches and pains. It fills me with vitamin D and my skin clears up and all the sudden I even feel prettier. I actually think we all feel this way when we have some color in our skin and we can wear our bright salmon colored shirts and look fantastic!

Some new studies say that some sun exposure is actually very healthy and I totally believe it. Yes, my mom had melanoma. Yes, I most likely will get it too. But that is why you know what signs to look for. So, until I have a mole that fits the ABCDE's of Melanoma, I am going to enjoy looking good in bright colors from soaking in the sun!

Mostly, I love being home (especially since this is possibly my last time, but more on that to come). I love being at the beach. I love going to the pool. I love reading in the sun. I love just sitting in it and letting it's warmth envelop me!

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