Thursday, February 11, 2010

Just a normal Thursday in my life

Today was great. I had a little bit of everything.

First, I took a student on a walk. We go and sit in a room together and we're singing baby beluga, twinkle twinkle little star and all that good stuff. He starts getting sleepy and starts belting out in song - "No one else, no one la da de ba." I recognize the melody but the only words I can make out are "no one else". He keeps singing and before long I realize he is singing "Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield. It was amazing.

Later on in the day I was in that room once again and this time I got bit. Sort of a monumental mark for a special ed teacher. That's the first time it has happened to me in this class.

Favorite Moment of the Day:

One of our favorite speech ladies came in today and we did a Valentine's lesson and at the very end she gave everyone a cupcake. They were cute little cupcakes and one of my great little students shoved the entire thing in his mouth and one of my techs was commenting on it and laughing and then all of the sudden she said, "Wait, where's your wrapper! Did you eat your wrapper?!" He was at the sink and I was watching him, assuming he needed a drink. I wish I had recorded his face...hahaha priceless. He spit out the wrapper whole. He had really put the entire thing in his mouth and cleaned the wrapper out. hahahaaa I can't stop laughing about it.

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